Mint Snuff in Stores
If you ask the store manager at your favorite tobacco shop, grocery or convenience store, they can get Mint Snuff Chew & Pouches in through their tobacco distributor (even though it's not tobacco, that's how it's distributed!) If you are a store and would like to carry Mint Snuff please ask your tobacco distributor for Mint Snuff Chew and Pouches, or
CALL 1-800-328-6468 (1-800-EAT-MINT) or 541-923-8845. If you are a customer who cannot find Mint Chew or Pouches please call 1-800-328-6468 (1-800-EAT-MINT) or
541-923-8845 (9-4 Pacific Time, M-F) or email:
For exact store locations, click here.
>Please tell your friends about Mint Snuff Chew and Pouches. Thanks.